It seems somewhat offensive to your case when you refer to Jiang Qing as "Madame Mao." You call all the other women in the passage by their own names. No one in China calls her "Madame Mao" or indeed uses equivalent titles for any woman. You've lived in China and know this. So why....?

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Good question. I don't have an answer - I'm really not sure why I used that except perhaps I was thinking of people who would have no idea who she was. But I could simply have said. A correction to be made, thanks.

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Seems like a slap to Kamala? Why Jill? Why not President Kamala and VP Beto O'Rourke, or George Clooney, or Gretchen Whitmer or somebody? Or what if Biden swapped Kamala out, and someone else in? Then we'd de facto be voting for the 'current administration + VP' rather than Biden specifically. There's reasonable probability that the chief executive might need to bail out of the role for health reasons, or could pass away or something, and it seems like a reasonable solution, to run 'encumbent + bangin' safety net/backup'. Since 'encumbent' has HARDLY been screwing up this entire time. I mean for pete's sake. The unmarried Condoleezza Rice once referred to George W. Bush publicly as '[her] husband' - . She lived that one down ok, and though it didn't read as 'cognitive decline' that was WAY more EMBARRASSING. Yikes! *I* even felt sorry for her.

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I don't think you (and others) read my piece, just the headline. I know I was teasing and probably went too far, expecting people to get to the punchline.

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So funny! I thought I had, but in fact (since I'm at work) I DID get derailed partway through. NSFW now has a new meaning for me -

And now that I have finished: your points are excellent and true. However, basically right now, we need a candidate people recognize well enough to vote for, and I'd take Jill Biden over TFG even if completely incompetent. But I would vote for my pencil drawer at this point. At least it holds pencils.

Women do need to be more than a backup, or a second choice. But though my understanding of this is poor, if we don't want TFG as president, we need a solution asap that will permit the campaign to use all funds raised.

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I like it: President Pencil Drawer!! And I agree: solution, fresh face/s, asap.

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