Again, thank you Karen for providing your thoughts on "religious fanaticism," as I like to refer to fundamentalist far-right religions, who force their beliefs onto others.
Yesterday, after reading your posts, I then spent multiple hours researching all the international new stories which reported on the forced resignation of school principal Hope Carrasquilla who led the Tallahassee Classical School in Florida [TCS]. While trying to clarify if Hope was the actual teacher of that art history lesson which provoked her resignation, I also assumed that another educator may have conducted the particular "art history" class. From that class, one photograph caused one female parent to complain about the image used, which showed the 16th century sculpture of 14 foot high "David" by Michelangelo, as being "pornographic." To arrive at some clarification of fact, I phoned the front office of TCS, and was told by a young woman that I would find the information I requested on their website. She gave no answer for my attempt at clarifying who conducted the class in question. Was it the principal Hope, or the school art history teacher, that used the photograph? News reports never clearly identify the teacher of the lesson, but "infer" that Hope had to resign because she never notified the parents beforehand, and that their children would be subjected to it.
On the website, I find no answer to my query, but read a pdf that claims all the international news reports of the story are "False Media Reports." The pdf I downloaded was titled by TCS as: "TCS-Statement-Sets-Record-Straight-Retains-Lawson-Huck-Gonzalez-Law-Firm-2"
The language used in the pdf never answered my question, but only blamed the problem on false media reports.
Yes, and that is most interesting about Hillsdale College! Perhaps a lesson here, that people are not always as extreme as the press makes them out to be - and just because there are a handful of extremists we shouldn't demonize an entire group. Time to do some bridging. Thank you for looking into this, much appreciated.
Again, thank you Karen for providing your thoughts on "religious fanaticism," as I like to refer to fundamentalist far-right religions, who force their beliefs onto others.
Yesterday, after reading your posts, I then spent multiple hours researching all the international new stories which reported on the forced resignation of school principal Hope Carrasquilla who led the Tallahassee Classical School in Florida [TCS]. While trying to clarify if Hope was the actual teacher of that art history lesson which provoked her resignation, I also assumed that another educator may have conducted the particular "art history" class. From that class, one photograph caused one female parent to complain about the image used, which showed the 16th century sculpture of 14 foot high "David" by Michelangelo, as being "pornographic." To arrive at some clarification of fact, I phoned the front office of TCS, and was told by a young woman that I would find the information I requested on their website. She gave no answer for my attempt at clarifying who conducted the class in question. Was it the principal Hope, or the school art history teacher, that used the photograph? News reports never clearly identify the teacher of the lesson, but "infer" that Hope had to resign because she never notified the parents beforehand, and that their children would be subjected to it.
On the website, I find no answer to my query, but read a pdf that claims all the international news reports of the story are "False Media Reports." The pdf I downloaded was titled by TCS as: "TCS-Statement-Sets-Record-Straight-Retains-Lawson-Huck-Gonzalez-Law-Firm-2"
The language used in the pdf never answered my question, but only blamed the problem on false media reports.
Shortly after, I read a LA Times story whose headline reads: "Hillsdale College Ends Partnership with Florida Charter School Over David Statue Issue." The LA Times story is at:
--- This news story needs to regain it's legs. --- Somehow, somewhere.
Yes, and that is most interesting about Hillsdale College! Perhaps a lesson here, that people are not always as extreme as the press makes them out to be - and just because there are a handful of extremists we shouldn't demonize an entire group. Time to do some bridging. Thank you for looking into this, much appreciated.