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I appreciate the emails I get after sending one of these letters. They are personal, from people I've worked with or corresponded with for years. Others are from people I don't know, who have sometimes been reading my letters for years. It makes sending something new out into the world - to over 14,000 people in many countries - an exciting "Send Now." The letters go to people close to home, too. Yesterday, after sending this one, I went out to do errands before the 4th of July weekend. The library, the bank, Taft Farms for strawberries and cream and gorgeous zucchini, North Plain Farm for raw milk and eggs, and finally Domaney's for beer and wine. As I was leaving, I said hullo to Eddie Domaney. "Oh, Karen," he said, "I read your letter." Gratifying indeed, to hear within an hour or so that a busy shopkeeper in Great Barrington and a prominent environmentalist on another coast had both read and liked the way I tackled a tough topic.

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